Welcome to the online community of the “Europeans for the Planet” party! We are delighted to welcome you as a member. Our community is a place where people come together to exchange ideas, network, and work towards a better future for our planet and a free, equitable society. To ensure that all members have a positive and respectful experience, we have established the following guidelines. Whether you are participating in comments on our website or on platforms like YouTube, Facebook, or Instagram, we expect all members of our community to adhere to these rules. The following applies:


1. Respectful Behaviour and Courtesy


We expect all members to behave respectfully and courteously in our community. Insults, discrimination, bullying, or harassment of other members are unacceptable and will not be tolerated. Being respectful means more than just following the rules or being polite; it means fostering good conversations by welcoming and including others. Consider how words and actions might affect others. Better yet: think about how you can contribute to making everyone want to participate. Remember that people come from different backgrounds, so do not assume they know what you think, feel, or mean.


2. Authenticity and Privacy


Using real first names is required in our community to promote authenticity and transparency. We believe in open communication and the exchange of ideas on a personal level. However, we also respect the privacy of our members. Therefore, members can choose to set their last name to “not visible” in the privacy settings. Nevertheless, we believe that we will succeed when as many of us as possible publicly commit to our missions.


3. Responsible Sharing of Content


We encourage our members to share content that is informative, respectful, and relevant. Please avoid posting offensive, misleading, or inappropriate content. Also, respect the intellectual property rights of others and do not violate copyrights.


Whether from a human or a robot, spam will be deleted. This includes self-promotion. Generally, promoting your own projects and businesses here is treated like any other spam. Speak with the party leadership first; such posts are only allowed after approval.


4. Collaboration and Diversity of Opinions


Our community is a place of collaboration and exchange of different viewpoints. We encourage our members to be open to diverse opinions and to treat each other respectfully, even when they disagree. We work hard every day to ensure that “Europeans for the Planet” is a place where everyone who supports our missions feels welcome. You can help us by reporting comments that violate the rules, such as spam, personal attacks, or inappropriate comments. Simply put: do not be mean to others at “Europeans for the Planet”. And if you see someone doing inappropriate things in the comments, let us know.


We cover a wide range of topics, not all of which may be comfortable or align with your personal views. While we do not reject discussions about our posts, overt accusations of bias or offhand comments about an author’s expertise generally indicate that you are not trying to be a productive member of the community.


5. Compliance with Laws and Regulations


All members are required to comply with all applicable laws and regulations. This is particularly relevant in areas such as hate speech, discrimination, and privacy. Please respect the rights and privacy of other members and do not violate any laws or guidelines.


6. Safety and Reporting Concerns


We place great importance on the safety of our members. If you encounter suspicious activities or content or feel unsafe, do not hesitate to report this to the community administrator. We are here to ensure that our community is a safe and secure place for everyone.


7. Blocking User Accounts


Failure to comply with these guidelines may result in the blocking of your user account. We reserve the right to block members without prior warning, especially in cases of serious violations of these guidelines.


8. Friendships and Group Formation


In our community, you can form friendships with other members and create groups to share and discuss common interests. These features are designed to promote collaboration and exchange within our community.


By choosing to use our online community, you agree to these comprehensive guidelines. Thank you for contributing to a positive and respectful environment for all members.




We strive to foster interesting and enriching conversations and will remove comments that harm this goal. At “Europeans for the Planet,” we have a different standard than the rest of the internet, and we work to keep the conversation informative and entertaining. Ultimately, the party leadership or the designated body has the final say on whether comments and posts comply with our community guidelines. We will remove anything we deem inappropriate. These rules may change over time as needed. Any violation listed here will result in your comment being removed, and severe violations will lead to an immediate ban from further participation.


  • Personal Attacks: Do not attack or insult others.
  • Racism, Sexism, and Other Discrimination: Attacking entire groups of people is as bad as attacking an individual: we will suspend you for this, either temporarily or permanently.
  • Comments on a Person’s Appearance, Voice, or Style: Let’s keep the discussion on the content. It is the nature of our party that not individuals, but shared political content, are in the foreground.
  • Trolling: “Trolling” is a broad, messy term, but we know what trolls are, and we do not tolerate them among us. If you post something clearly off-topic here at “Europeans for the Planet,” we will remove those comments and posts, especially low-effort responses like “slow news day” and “TL;DR.”
  • Spreading Misinformation: We are not a platform for spreading conspiracy theories and misinformation, and we will remove posts that spread obvious falsehoods.
  • Doxxing: Do not publish personal information about someone else.
  • Illegal Activities: Links to illegal downloads, ways to steal services, and other sneaky activities are not okay here and will result in account suspension for the community network.
  • NSFW Material: No, not allowed. Images or links that could be considered “not suitable for work,” i.e., broadly offensive, are not acceptable. A good rule of thumb is that anything above PG-13 (suitable for ages 13 and up according to the Voluntary Self-Regulation of the Film Industry) will cause trouble, but we reserve the right to remove any post we find offensive. This applies to pornographic material, vulgar language, violence, and generally unpleasant content.


We have created these community guidelines to ensure that everyone who supports our missions feels welcome to participate in the “Europeans for the Planet” community. Whether you are participating in comments on our website or on platforms like YouTube, Facebook, or Instagram, we expect all members of our community to adhere to these rules.

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